I want to create a new project with MCUXpresso for mxRT1050 but memory where code run is in NOR FLASH not HYPERFLASH. How can I do it?
Best Regards
Giovanni Grondona
Hi Giovanni,
If this helps, I have a short app note where I describe how to migrate, the i.MXRT1050 EVKB board, from HyperFlash to EcoXiP (ATXP032) which is an octal NOR flash device made by my company Adesto Technologies. In this case we take the RT1050 EVK, replace the HyperFlash with our own EcoXiP device and make the necessary software updates to boot and execute-in-place (XiP) from our device. The app note also refers to 3 tool chains: IAR, Keil MDK and MCUXpresso IDE. You can find the app note on our web site (but you'll have to register) or I can send you directly if I have your email address. On the website it's at https://www.adestotech.com/products/ecoxip/ (scroll down and click on the Applications tab - the app note is the last one).
Adesto Technologies
Hi Giovanni
one can check AN12108 How to Enable Boot from QSPI Flash
MCUXpresso document
Overview of using the MIMXRT1050-EVK(B) with MCUXpresso IDE
Best regards
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Hi Igor
Thank you for your answer. I read all the things you told me. I think I need to do the following actions:
Is it correct ?
Best Regards
Hi Giovanni
latest MCUXpresso IDE releases added a new flash driver called
MIMXRT1020_SFDP_QSPI.cfx that configures from Serial Flash Discovery Protocol data -
in addition to the default MIMXRT1020-EVK_IS25LP064.cfx that ships with the SDK.
If the user selects the MIMXRT1020_SFDP_QSPI.cfx driver for their project, this driver
will attempt to self configure from JEDEC SFDP data (if present on the QSPI device) and
so should support a wide range of QSPI devices.
Best regards
Hi Igor
Thank you for your answer. I think MIMXRT1020_SFDP_QSPI.cfx driver is the same of MIMXRT1050_SFDP_QSPI.cfx,
I think I have to change evkbimxrt1020_flexspi_nor_config.c with correct parameters.
Is it correct?
Best Regards
Giovanni Grondona
Hi Igor
Thank you for your answer. I read all the things you told me. I think I need to do the following actions:
Best Regards