Hi All
After working with the iMX RT 1020 for a short amount of time I have been rather surprised at the complexity of matching up GPIOs (which I believe most programmers 'think' in) with PADs (which the chip designers probably think in) and pin peripherals (which are related to both but rather muddled up). I also noted that the EVBs circuit diagram references pads and not even GPIOs on the chip!
In the data sheet and user's manual I don't find an overview of these so I have created a spread sheet to make life somewhat easier.
It is attached and I would like to know whether this is of interest / use to programmers and circuit designers? If not, please explain how you are working out these things from the manual alone ;-)
Also, customers can use the i.MX Pins tool.
Pins Tool for i.MX Application Processors|NXP
Hi All
Since I need code that originates from various Kinetis development to run on i.MX RT parts without porting effort I have made a video of the solution finalised on here:
uTasker - for Kinetis and i.MX RT compatibility....