The USB Audio device class example (usb speaker) for the i.MXRT1050 doesn't work on Windows 10.
it plays for 0.5sec then stops. Any chance we can see an update soon? Preferably incl. UAC2.0.
ps. works great on macOS.
Team NXP,
Have you tried the example avoiding using USB HUBs and direct connection to computer’s USB ports instead?
Regarding driver availability, they are released on each SDK version release, and their changes are summarized on the Release Notes document of each release.
In case of requiring a custom implementation of the USB Audio driver, you could consider NXP Professional Services.
For more information regarding this, please refer to the following link:
Hope this will be useful for you.
Best regards!
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Hi, Any updates to this in the latest SDK_2.6.1?
not sure where to find the release-notes / history for a specific driver.
Hi Carlos,
1. Sounds like this could be in the USB core itself then, probably not handling "non multi-tt hubs correctly" or USB split transactions. Can you please file a bug-report to get this resolved?
2. What is the purpose of these drivers, demo or production use? Is there a list available on how these have been tested, what os'es etc!?
Thanks David
ping. any plans to continue work, making the audio host/device driver for RT-series more stable?
ping again