I have iMXRT1060EVK and would like to use the Tracealyzer in streaming mode for FreeRTOS. I am using IAR EW and I-jet debugging probe. I have followed the procedure as in the links below but still have issues with data streaming. I cannot see any data on the trace.
Is there anything specific to be done on iMXRT1060 EVK boards for tracealyzer to work?
Is there any document that describes the steps required to enable trace data?
Your help on this is highly appreciated.
Can you transmit data using ITM and see it in the IAR Terminal I/O window? For example, ITM_SendChar('X');
Otherwise you may need to enable SWO output on the device. See https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN13234.pdf.
I was able to see the ITM data on the IAR terminal only after doing the modification required for the SWO. There is no mention anywhere about the procedure to be followed for Tracealyzer for iMXRT. After some googling, I found that application note and tried it. But still, I have issues with getting Tracealyzer traces. I am liasing with the support team for now.