I trying to store user data to QSPI Flash(IS25LP128F) after code area which is connected to IMXRT1050. My application is running from flash in XIP mode.
I tried the solutions( https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN12564.pdf ) and reference code(https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note-software/AN12564SW.zip ). Reference from flexspi_rww.c implementation iam able to read vendorid(flexspi_nor_get_vendor_id(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI, &vendorID)),Entering into Quad mode( flexspi_nor_enable_quad_mode(EXAMPLE_FLEXSPI)),Erase sector(flexspi_nor_flash_erase_sector(FLEXSPI,SECTOR)) in single step mode while debugging but in free flow of application run the application is crashing.
is what iam trying is correct.is there any other solution.
Note : Iam trying to use same QSPI Flash chip to store both application code and user data storing.
Hello, venu
The approach explained on the AN12564 application note, is recommended when you have two different memories, one for the code and one for user data. Since in your case you are using the same QSPI flash chip to store your application and user data, your best option is to allocate the flash write/erase/read functions to other memory(except currently writing flash, generally allocate to internal SRAM). The following community document, explains how to do this with MCUXpresso IDE.
Have a great day,
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Thanks for the reply.I could not find the link to the community document that you are referring to.Can you please resend the link for the document.
Hello, venu
Sorry, I forgot to put the link in my previous reply.