Hi ,all
I try to define NFC_BUSY pin in the DAL/boards/my setting project as below
You can see my define pin PHDRIVER_PIN_BUSY ((GPIO_PORT_B<<8) | 19).
I think that is GPIO2_19,reference my open pin as below
and it will be pulled in the NxpNfcRdLib/phhalHw/src/pn5180/phhalHw_Pn5180.c
But in fact , the measurement from the meter has not been pulled up.
Is there any wrong pin setting?
In the RT family, the pins are managed differently than in the Kinetis and LPC families. Here the concept of PORT does not exist. Due to this, there isn't an equivalent pin for GPIO_PORT_B8. The initialization of the pin that you are doing with the macro PHDRIVER_PIN_BUSY works on Kinetis and LPC but it won't work on the RT. I recommend you check the GPIO example projects that we provide within the SDK for the RT to see how the configuration and initialization are made.