I am using SDK_2.7.0_EVK_MIMXRT1020.zip example code evkmimxrt1020_lpi2c_polling_b2b_master , but the problem is clock is not generating for this example code. I checked with logic analyzer. Please help me with this.
I just ran the example evkmimxrt1020_lpi2c_polling_b2b_master and evkmimxrt1020_lpi2c_polling_b2b_slave with two RT1020 EVKs and I didn't find any errors. In which pin are you trying to see the I2C clock signal?
Thanks for answering my question. GPIO_AD_B1_14 is configured as LPI2C1_SCL and GPIO_AD_B1_15 is configured as LPI2C1_SDA. Connector j19 7th line is connected to GND and 8th line is connected to VCC.
Thanks for the reply! You don't need to connect anything to J19-8, this pin is internally connected to 3.3V. Could you please confirm that you are trying to see the clock signal on the pin J18-6? What are you using as a slave?