The guide is available in previous SDK releases but for some reason not in SDK 2.14.0. I am already taking action to notify this to the corresponding team.
I would recommend you to download the whole RT1170 EVK SDK. You can find all the documentation related to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in the following path <SDK_PATH> \docs\wireless\.
I really hope this helps.
According to the documentation form the SDK, there is no HW rework needed in order to use Wi-Fi in the RT1170-EVKB and 1XK.
If you are planning to use Bluetooth, a HW rework is needed to enable the HCI UART and PCM interface. You can find this rework explained in the Hardware Rework Guide for EdgeFast BT PAL. You can find it in your SDK bundle.
That document is not within the RT1170-EVKB NXP SDK. I do however have the Embedded Artists SDK installed, and it is available there. But it should be included in the NXP SDK, I would think?
Hey Daniel,
I am having trouble finding the SDK examples for Edgefast Bluetooth on MIMXRT1170-EVK. I saw it was present in version 2.13 but not in 2.15. I was wondering if you have any ideas why there are no EdgeFast Bluetooth examples on MIMXRT1170-EVK?