Hardware used: MIMXRT1060-EVKB
Default RAM configuration in SDK examples:
SRAM_DTC: 128kB,
SRAM_ITC: 128kB,
SRAM_OC: 768kB.
I incresed SRAM_DTC to 256kB using this tutorial:
Reallocating the FlexRAM
My current settings:
SRAM_DTC: 256kB,
SRAM_ITC: 256kB,
SRAM_OC: 512kB.
It looks like it works (currenty I use ~200kB of SRAM_DTC) but stiil during compilation I see this:
============= SCRIPT: RT1060_connect.scp =============
RT1060 Connect Script
DpID = 0BD11477
APID = 0x04770041
Disabling MPU
Configure FlexRAM for 768KB OC RAM, 128KB I-TCM, 128KB D-TCM
============= END SCRIPT =============================
Probe Firmware: CMSIS-DAP (ARM)
Why these values are incorrect in log above? Where can I find and update "the script"?
Thank you.
The script can be found on IDE location: ...\MCUXpressoIDE_11xx\ide
Is possible that the script is overinding the configuration for felxram
Best regards,