I' m using a MIMXRT1170-EVKB.
Please tell me about linking power_mode_switch example(dcdc) and MCUExpresso.
My understanding is that clock configration made with MCUExpresso doesn't applied because this example doesn't call BOARD_BootClockRUN().
Is this correct ?
I want to link them.
Is there any better way ?
Best regards.
Hi @DK2,
Indeed, the changes made by Clocks Tool will not immediately apply on the power_mode_switch example, as this example doesn't call the BOARD_BootClockRUN() function. That said, you can always make a call to this function on the main() routine, just like the BOARD_ConfigMPU() or the BOARD_InitPins() functions. This way, the ConfigTools configuration changes that you make will be reflected once the BOARD_BootClockRUN() function is called on main().
Thank you for your reply.
I tried the way you mentioned.
I called BOARD_BootClockRUN() after ChipInitConfig().
But program staied at ANATOP_AI_Access() of fsl_anatop_ai.c.
What should I do ?
Best regards.
Hi @DK2,
What routine from the BOARD_BootClockRUN() was last called when the ANATOP_AI_Access() caused the CPU to halt? I ask this because the ANATOP_AI_Access routine gets called on several occasions during the BOARD_BootClockRUN, so the ANATOP function does not tell much on its own. Was is the procedure of routines that ended up with the ANATOP halt? (for example BOARD_BootClockRUN() > CLOCK_SetPllBypass() > ANATOP_PllBypass() > ANATOP_AI_Write() > ANATOP_AI_Access() )