I am using i.MxRT1062 processor. I am having issue outputting the PWM signal. Is the XBARA mandatory to output the PWM signal?
I have to set the pinmux for the IOMUXC_GPIO_EMC_23_FLEXPWM1_PWMA00 pin i.e., GPIO_EMC23 pin which is on PWM1 Submodule 0 Channel A. Could someone please confirm if the XBAR needs to be configured for this pin.
I think the PWM port is correctly set up as the reload interrupt is happening correctly, but the output is not throwing any signal.
Thank you.
You need to set the pin's mux setting and also ensure that the IOMUXC_FLEXPWM1_PWMA0_SELECT_INPUT register is set to match.
This is how it is done in the uTaker project:
_CONFIG_PERIPHERAL(GPIO_EMC_23, FLEXPWM1_PWMA00, (ulCharacteristics)); // select FLEXPWM1_PWMA00 on GPIO4-23 - alt function 1
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If you refer to Table 10-1. Muxing Options from the reference manual the FLEXPWM1_PWM0_A signal can be routed directly to the following pads:
In fact if you consult the SDK example evkbmimxrt1060_pwm you will notice how the GPIO_SD_B0_00 pad is used. This can serve as a reference.
It is not necessary to use XBAR for the aforementioned pads.
Hope it helps you.
Have a nice day!