The linker files in the NXP sdk 2.3 contain linker files for flexspi_nor, ram, srdram and sdram_text. So far I have only been able to get binaries to execute in two ways:
What are the correct ways to load/use the other builds or even debugging the other types of builds? Specifically how do I get the device to execute the sdram build?
Is it possible to write a binary to flash that will eventually load into sdram or ram? Is it possible to use a j-link debugger to debug a flexspi_nor and/or a sdram build?
Thank you,
Hello Nathan,
The camera app is designed by our AE team, it can be sent to you for reference.
Please create a new case for "camera capture" app on iMXRT1050EVK from our Salesforce system! I will send it you through our system! I just have camera app for IAR system.
In your case , please note "forward it to weidong sun"! then I can get it.
Have a nice day!
TIC Weidong Sun
Thank you for the answer. Could you help with some clarifications:
$ ls boards/evkmimxrt1050/demo_apps/where could I get the camera capture example?
bubble ecompass flexio_pwm hello_world hello_world_xip lwip mbedtls power_mode_switch sai sd_jpeg shell wolfssl
Thank you,
The SDK I have for the NXP 1052 does not have the power_mode_switch demo app. Where might I find it?
To get the power_mode_switch app you need to include RTOS when building your SDK for download.
Hello Andrei,
See below, please!
1. Simulator. : J-LINK Plus is needed. The simulator can be used to debug code & download to sdram / program Nor flash.
2. Using OpenSDA on EVK board. It can be used to download binary to internal SRAM or external SDRAM.
3. About SDK.
We have some example routines in i.mx RT SDK, for example, in "camera_caputre" routine, when debugging camera image caputre, SDRAM will be used, and in the example code, we have provided script of SDRAM initialization.
For more information, see the link of i.MX RT web page:
i.MX RT1050 Evaluation Kit|NXP
Have a nice day!
Best Regards,
TIC Weidong Sun
Hi Wigros Sun,
Can you give more information on #2? Using OpenSDA how do you flash something onto internal RAM? When we compile a bin, we have only be successful loading bin compiled with the flexspi_nor.