I need to work with an 8 bit parallel ADC that emits a sampling clock up to 44MHz. Is it possible to configure the FlexIO to work off an external clock? Is there a sample available?
It'd be analogous to ST's PSSI/DCMI or even just a parallel camera module input with ext pixel clock.
Best I've found is hijacking code for streaming in camera data or this https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/66201-Teensy-4-1-How-to-start-using-FlexIO
NXP please make an easy flexio library! I don't want to be configuring shift registers!
It is probably possible to get some piece of data from ADC by configuring flexSPI to use DQS pad as an input clock for data reading. After this one can perform Read data command similar to flash/RAM reading. However, you are probably interested in continuous non-stop ADC polling. Whether it is possible to have one read command to read infinite amount of data I don't know. Please post the answer when it is found.