Dear All,
I am using MIMXRT1050-EVK and would like to configure DTCM for 512 Kb at the first place of my software, I did the following :
___writeMemory32(0x400AC040, 0x80000000); //IOMUXC_GPR_GPR16
___writeMemory32(0x400AC044, 0xAAAAAAAA);
but I get hardfault on the second line, any advise about this ?
I call these 2 lines just after clock init.
Best practice is to configure FlexRAM in Reset_Handler as below:
__iomux_gpr16_adr EQU 0x400AC040
__iomux_gpr17_adr EQU 0x400AC044
__flexram_bank_cfg EQU 0xAAAAAAAA
CPSID I ;关闭全局中断
LDR R0,=__iomux_gpr17_adr
MOV32 R1,__flexram_bank_cfg
STR R1,[R0]
LDR R0,=__iomux_gpr16_adr
LDR R1,[R0]
ORR R1,R1,#4
STR R1,[R0]
Note that you need to configure IOMUXC_GPR_GPR17 before IOMUXC_GPR_GPR16, and why you configure IOMUXC_GPR_GPR16 as 0x80000000? it should be 0x00200007.
___writeMemory32(0x400AC044, 0xAAAAAAAA);//IOMUXC_GPR_GPR17
___writeMemory32(0x400AC040, 0x00200007); //IOMUXC_GPR_GPR16
As RT1050 only contains 512KB FlexRAM, not other dedicated OCRAM, so your application .data/.bss sections have to be resided in FlexRAM region.
In this case, you need to put FlexRAM configuration code before .data/.bss init process of your application, or there will be hardfault. because .data/.bss will be damaged after FlexRAM configuration.
do you have sample code or application node also for RT1166 and RT1172?
Hi David
for configuration examples one can look at sect. Runtime
configuration AN12077 Using the i.MX RT FlexRAM
Best regards
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