Hello community,
I am trying to flash the micropython firmware on NXP's smart voice board(SLN-SVUI-IOT). It is a board project based on another board, the MiMXRT1060.
I realized that in the Smart Voice's schematics, it does not have an onboard debugger. I was wondering if I can use an original ST-Link V2 to program the smart voice board and flash the micropython firmware. I also noted that the "STM32" port of the ST-Link has a 20 pin JTAG port. The smart voice board has a 10 pin JTAG port. I can use some kind of adapter on it?
Or I was also wondering if I could use a specific hardware with the daplink firmware to program the board. Here is the link of the hardware mentioned: https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/1005005634441693.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.78d4205f4bniF9&alg...
You can use the debugger on MXRT.