I'm new to the embedded field and currently encountering issues with ADC interrupts on the RT1176 . When I read a single channel at a time, I obtain the correct values. However, when attempting to read multiple channels simultaneously, I face inconsistent behavior. Sometimes, all channels exhibit the same value, and other times, the values appear to be swapped, with the value intended for channel 0 being stored in the variable for channel 1, and vice versa. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or solutions to address this issue. Additionally, if available, a demo code demonstrating the proper method for reading multiple channels would be immensely helpful.
Thank you Gavin,
The above mentioned ADC polling code is working fine for me. However, I'm encountering an issue while reading channel 1 and channel 2 of LPADC1 using interrupts. It appears that the values of channel 1 are being stored in the variable for channel 2, and vice versa. How can I resolve this issue?
Could you please share a code snippet that demonstrates continuous reading of ADC channel 1 and 2 using interrupts?
Thank you.
Hi @akhil__ ,
Thanks for your interest in NXP MIMXRT series!
For more information on this issue, a previous thread discusses how to enable ChannelB and perform a multi-channel chain sampling. See this thread: https://community.nxp.com/t5/i-MX-RT/Enable-channel-B-for-ADC-module-1-in-IMXRT1176/td-p/1812143
And, I provide you the complete project of this experiment(based on i.mxrt1170-evkb), hope it can help you. (ps. The documentation is in Chinese.)
Best regards,