Please refer the AN13264 [RT1170 Dual Core Application] Chapter 4.2 about IAR dual core debug.
Wish it helps.
I refer the AN13264 [RT1170 Dual Core Application] Chapter 4.2 about IAR dual core debug.but after the third step, the "attach the running target" label become gray and can not be clicked. like :
and the m4 can not be debugged
Hi, I am using the IAR ARM V9.30.1, I am using below steps:
The steps for dual core debug by JLink are as below:
1. Build CM4 and CM7 projects.
2. Start CM7 debug session.
3. Run the CM7 project.
4. Run/Debug the CM4 project.
I also find the [Attach to Running Target] button is gray.
Thanks for the attention.