a problem of display.
I have done following steps to overlay fb1 on fb0:
1. set the geometry of fb1 to fb0's geometry(ioctl(FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO)).
2. call ioctl(MXCFB_SET_LOC_ALPHA) on fb1:
l_alpha.enable = 1;
l_alpha.alpha_in_pixel = 0;
3. output images to fb1's non-transparent area.
after those, I found that the screen goes black while moving mouse.
if moving stopped, the screen come back, images and controls will display.
how can I fix this bug?
Hi lin
seems there are errors in drivers and one can try to debug them using
AN4553 Using Open Source Debugging Tools for Linux on i.MX Processors
Best regards
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and ocassionally, the following erros will be printed repeatedly while moving mouse:
mxc_sdc_fb fb.31: timeout when waiting for flip irq
mxc_sdc_fb fb.31: timeout when waiting for flip irq
mxc_sdc_fb fb.31: timeout when waiting for flip irq
for this error please look at
I have changed the timeout value from HZ/2 to 4*HZ, but the error still exists。
ret = wait_for_completion_timeout(&mxc_fbi->flip_complete, 4*HZ /*HZ/2*/);