Has anyone tried to communicate with the m41 rear view camera app using linux instead of android auto?
Did this issue fixed at last?
Instead of trying to do it on Linux, i went with the easier step first. I tried to move lvds0(dpu 0) instead of lvds1(dpu1).
What i have done are:-
1. Set all related rsrc to movable in scfw
2. commented out #define USE_LVDS1 in isi_config.h and added as below in pin_mux.c
At this point, m41 is able to display
3. In Android, i have changed the device tree as attached.
4. When android starts, it will fail to display. From the console, i realize there is an error (it6263 5-004c: failed to wait for video stable)
Any idea?
Hello Kean,
Apparently no, but we will be glad if you can share you results.
I have create a simple rpmsg to trigger the register event to m41.
M41 does receives it.
However it will fail when it calls
sc_rm_set_master_sid in SOC_AssignDisplayCamera function in isi_board.c
Any idea?