Im trying to build a imx-image-full image.With bitbake imx-image-full command I'm gettng the following error.
"ERROR: optee-os-tadevkit-3.21.0.imx-r0 do_compile: oe_runmake failed
ERROR: optee-os-tadevkit-3.21.0.imx-r0 do_compile: ExecutionError('/nxp_sdk/build/tmp/work/imx8mp_lpddr4_evk-poky-linux/optee-os-tadevkit/3.21.0.imx-r0/temp/run.do_compile.2814741', 1, None, None)
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /nxp_sdk/build/tmp/work/imx8mp_lpddr4_evk-poky-linux/optee-os-tadevkit/3.21.0.imx-r0/temp/log.do_compile.2814741
ERROR: Task (/nxp_sdk/sources/meta-imx/meta-bsp/recipes-security/optee/optee-os-tadevkit_3.21.0.imx.bb:do_compile) failed with exit code '1'
ERROR: optee-os-3.21.0.imx-r0 do_compile: oe_runmake failed
ERROR: optee-os-3.21.0.imx-r0 do_compile: ExecutionError('/nxp_sdk/build/tmp/work/imx8mp_lpddr4_evk-poky-linux/optee-os/3.21.0.imx-r0/temp/run.do_compile.2815846', 1, None, None)
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /nxp_sdk/build/tmp/work/imx8mp_lpddr4_evk-poky-linux/optee-os/3.21.0.imx-r0/temp/log.do_compile.2815846
ERROR: Task (/nxp_sdk/sources/meta-imx/meta-bsp/recipes-security/optee/optee-os_3.21.0.imx.bb:do_compile) failed with exit code '1'"
I have tried cleaning and rebuilding this optee-os with the following commands
I have checked online for solutions but nothing worked.
Please help me resolve the issue at the earliest.
Which BSP are you building?
Are the host packages and Host machine as required by Yocto user guide?
To check the log.do_compile.2814741 for more information.
Yes the host packages and host machine are as required by Yocto user guide document.
In the log file also the same is given and lots of logs are generated.
What about your PC host configured? like the Cores, RAM ...etc.
Can also have a try to restart a new build and just run bitbake optee-os, see how it is going.
Thanks for the reply.
The system has the required RAM and cores.We run this in a server.
I have cleared the build and initiated it again.
will update once its done.
Kindly help on this issue.