I wonder if someone has used node-gyp in the image generated by Yocto?
When I try to use this, then I get following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/gyp_main.py", line 15, in <module>
import gyp
File "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/__init__.py", line 8, in <module>
import gyp.input
File "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/input.py", line 5, in <module>
from compiler.ast import Const
ImportError: No module named compiler.ast
I also get the same error if I try to use this in cross compiling environment.
In case anyone else has this problem... I ran into this same issue and ended up resolving it by adding "python-compiler" to IMAGE_INSTALL_append:
IMAGE_INSTALL_APPEND += " python-compiler "
How did you include the recipe? adding its metadata into sources directory and then installing it through local.conf?
I tried to install Python 2.7.6, direct on the ARM.
Then it worked.
So now I can run the node-gyp configure (also manage to build the code I tried to build, when I faced this problem).
Not sure why the Python that is included in the Yocto build doesn't support the compiler.ast .
It may be the case that the the Python Yocto version is older than the one you install, and it does not include that library/module
One fast way to check the recipe version is
$ bitbake python -e | grep PV=
if that is the case, update python's recipe version and bake again.
I checked both the version running on my desktop and the one on the ARM, and both where 2.7.3 (which should be okay).
I can try to figure out what happens when Yocto installs the python, why this is not included.
But for now I can go for my manually installed version.
All the steps you did when manually installing should match the steps indicating by the recipe. To really check what bitbake will do
bitbake -e python > python.env
In case you want, try to spend more time fixing the issue on Yocto. You may get a patch to send to the community :smileyhappy:
Hi Leonardo.
I'll see if I have some time during the weekend to look at it.
First I just wanted to check if someone in the community knew if there is a reason why some "parts" were missing in Python build in the Linux image.
I have a few other things that I need to check why they are missing (for instance e2fsprogs and that I only have a "light" version of the binutils), even though I have included them in my build.
I tried to first compile it on the ARM, after I installed node-gyp (which is done with npm, and that part went well).
I also tried to do the node-gyp in the cross-compile environment on my desktop, but get the same result.
It seems like the compiler.ast is missing for the python setup (both in the ARM a and the cross-compiler environment), since when I start python and try to import that package, it can't find it (which I can do if I start python in my "normal" desktop).