ERROR: nnstreamer-2.2.0-r0 do_prepare_recipe_sysroot: The file /usr/lib/libprotobuf.a is installed by both tensorflow-protobuf and protobuf, aborting
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/gitlab-runner/builds/wmaywjJA/0/odin/davinci/odin-yocto/build-odin/tmp/work/armv8a-mx8m-poky-linux/nnstreamer/2.2.0-r0/temp/log.do_prepare_recipe_sysroot.9351
ERROR: Task (/home/gitlab-runner/builds/wmaywjJA/0/odin/davinci/odin-yocto/sources/meta-psc/meta-ml/recipes-nnstreamer/nnstreamer/ failed with exit code '1'
This is the error I am getting in doing a yocto build.
The error indicates that you need a packages in your yocto system nnstreamer or you need to build the eIQ packages to add it to gstreamer and neural networks.