Hi, all, I've succesflully build the imx-p9.0.0_1.1.0-ga for evk_8mm demo board: now I will want to build a new target.
I've started coping the android_build\device\fsl\imx8m\evk_8mm into android_build\device\fsl\imx8m\my_8mm and
changed vendorsetup.sh,AndroidProducts.mk and just only the out directory reference in makefile (my_8mm.mk)...
builds fails with this messages:
hardware/qcom/bt/msm8992/libbt-vendor/src/hci_uart.c:215:65: error: use of undeclared identifier 'BT_HS_UART_DEVICE'
snprintf(vnd_userial.port_name, VND_PORT_NAME_MAXLEN, "%s", BT_HS_UART_DEVICE);
hardware/qcom/bt/msm8992/libbt-vendor/src/hci_uart.c:376:71: error: use of undeclared identifier 'BT_HS_UART_DEVICE'
ALOGE( "%s: uart port(%s) has not been opened", __FUNCTION__, BT_HS_UART_DEVICE )
If I disable the Qualcomm BT
compilation will be completed, Androis starts but BTdon't works.
I've not found any differenve between evk_8mm and my_8mm target: anyway compilation fails
if BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_QCOM is true... any suggestion on how to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance
M. Sangalli
Hello JimmyChan,
I have the same error than you here is the solution:
1) go to your aosp_folder/hardware/qcom/bt/msm8992/libbt-vendor/include
2) copy vnd_evk_8mm.tx and rename it vnd_evk_my_8mm.txt
3) recompile and enjoy.
Best Regards,
Hi, mariosan
Please follow below link to add a new device in Android AOSP.
Hope this will help you.
Thank Jimmychan:
No, I've not defined it, because my target is the *clone* of the original imx8mm_evk, just changed the out
directory in makefile, so I've assumed the the build process will redo same results of original one,
(in which i've not found where such label is defined).
That what I've do:
1. copy android_build\device\fsl\imx8m\evk_8mm-> android_build\device\fsl\imx8m\my_8mm
2. add these lines in vendorsetup.sh:
add_lunch_combo my_8mm-eng
add_lunch_combo my_8mm-userdebug
3. And add this line in AndroidProducts.mk
4. renamed evk_8mm.mk to my_8mm.mk and changed these lines:
IMX_DEVICE_PATH := device/fsl/imx8m/my_8mm
PRODUCT_NAME := my_8mm
5. Modified BoardConfig.mk:
IMX_DEVICE_PATH := device/fsl/imx8m/my_8mm
6. run build as documented using my_8mm-eng as target....
This is the line in BoardConfig.mk that cause trouble:
If I set BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_QCOM := false, compilation is OK but
BT do not works.
Because build involves a huge numbers of configuration scripts , it is very difficult for me
to figure out where is the problem in creating a new target...
Any suggestion is wellcome
Thanks again,
M. Sangalli