Hi everyone, I have a question, think to use i.mx6UL or ULL in my project is HMI.
However, yocto user guide in yocto-L4.1.15_2.0.0 says that;
Builds an opensource Qt 5 image. These images are onlysupported for i.MX SoC with hardware graphics. They arenot supported on the i.MX 6UltraLite, i.MX 6UltraLiteLite,and i.MX 7Dual.
What does it mean? Is it mean that I can not use it for Qt project? I'm quite confused.
Can I use all of the qt widgets such as multimedia for a camera, location for navigation etc. if I can use it?
So, What should I do If I want to run Qt application in it? Is it possible with it?