Hi,I have two more questions
1.How do I redirect an interrupt vector to RAM? My development environment is MCUPresso IDE and MIMXRT1020-EVK.
2.How do you specify an interrupt handler to run in RAM based on the first problem?
Because the project is running in XIP mode, and I want to operate FLASH, but the system outage will cause FLASH read and write exceptions
1). You need to manually copy 1KB vector table from flash (0x60002000) to RAM, and then set SCB->VTOR to ram address in startup code. I have two blogs on this topic
2). You need to make the interrupt handler to be ramfunc, see my blogs below:
MCUXpresso IDE下将应用程序RW段分散链接的几种方法
MCUXpresso IDE下将关键函数重定向到RAM中执行的几种方法