I just tried booting 6.1.36_2.1.0 kernel on the i.MX93 A0 silicone revision, and it crashed during booting. Previous kernel 6.1.22 works OK.
So the question is, is i.MX93 A0 rev still able to use the latest 6.1.36 kernel?
Thanks for your instructions.
I am already using A0 container, otherwise I would not be able to boot at all on A0 silicone revision
In my case the issue came from CONFIG_IMX_EL_ENCLAVE=m (6.1.22_2.0.0) and CONFIG_IMX_EL_ENCLAVE=y (6.1.36_2.1.0).
I already fixed that and can report 6.1.36_2.1.0 still boots on the old A0 silicone
Hello @wooosaiiii ,
Thank you for your response.
It seems Linux kernel issue.
In my case, it have no message from serial console.
So, I check the boot image and modify it.
Best regards,
Hello @wooosaiiii
I'm just trying it.
I successfully boot it using the following method.
1. first you must finished to build and write SD boot image
$ bitbake imxi-image-full
$ cd tmp/deploy/...
$ dd if=imx-image-full-imx9xxx.wic of=/dev/sdx
2. You must re-build flash.bin with a0 firmware.
See Linux user manual "4.5.13 How to build imx-boot image by using imx-mkimage".
2-1. You must copy "mx93a0-ahab-container.img" to imx-boot image work directory.
$ cd <your bitbake dir>
$ cd tmp/work/imx93_11x11_lpddr4x_evk-poky-linux/imx-boot/1.0-r0/git/
$ ls
iMX8DXL Makefile
iMX8M mkimage_imx8
iMX8QM patches
iMX8ULP SCR-imx-mkimage.txt
iMX9 scripts
imx-boot-imx93-11x11-lpddr4x-evk-sd.bin-flash_singleboot src
$ cp ../../../../armv8a-mx93-poky-linux/firmware-sentinel/0.11-r0/firmware-sentinel-0.11/mx93a0-ahab-container.img ./iMX9/
$ ls iMX9
bl31.bin mx93a1-ahab-container.img
boot-spl-container.img scripts
flash.bin soc.mak
head.hash tee.bin
lpddr4_dmem_1d_v202201.bin u-boot-atf-container.img
lpddr4_dmem_2d_v202201.bin u-boot.bin
lpddr4_imem_1d_v202201.bin u-boot-hash.bin
lpddr4_imem_2d_v202201.bin u-boot-spl.bin
mx93a0-ahab-container.img u-boot-spl-ddr.bin
2-2. rebuild flash.bin with a0 firmware.
$ make SOC=iMX9 REV=A0 flash_singleboot
2-3 write new "flash.bin" to SD-card.
$ sudo umount /dev/sdx1
$ sudo umount /dev/sdx2
$ sudo dd if=iMX9/flash.bin of=/dev/sdx bs=1k seek=32 conv=fsync
$ sync
$ sync
3. Remove SD-Card from card reader, insert it to board and Power On.
I hope you are successful.
Best regards,