When I write flash.bin generated by: make -f soc.mak SOC=iMX8QX REV=B0 MKIMG=./mkimage_imx8 PAD_IMAGE=./pad_image.sh flash_linux_m4_ddr, the board doesn’t boots
I enabled debug for SCFW and I verified that there isn’t any output on console while for images built for TCM (make -f soc.mak SOC=iMX8QX REV=B0 MKIMG=./mkimage_imx8 PAD_IMAGE=./pad_image.sh flash_linux_m4) the M4 binaries work fine and I see SCFW string presentation on console.
The tests were performed with both REV B and REV C SOC with the same result
I have taken everything needed to generate the flash.bin image from the yocto compilation, manifest reference: repo init -u https://github.com/varigit/variscite-bsp-platform.git -b fsl-sumo -m imx-4.14.98-2.3.1-var01.xml
In attached soc.mak used file
Any suggestions?
I have same issue, investigating. For sure i know that to load a binary from ddr, ddr must be properly initialized, and scufw must know how.