I'm using the imx6 SoloX eval board. During boot, I'm drawing too much current through my ARM Core 1.35V supply. I see that I can throttle the Core power by limiting the operating frequency, but no matter what I set the cpufreq governor to, it always seems to use "on demand" during boot-up. What I think I need is to have the governor set to powersave during bootup, which will set the core to the lowest available frequency, then I can just change it to on demand later, but how to I make the device use a particular governor during boot? My hope is that I don't have to mess with a custom kernel build, but I do know there is a "default" option in the kernel menuconfig. Is there a way to do it via startup script or some persistent setting change?
Alternatively you can add changing CPU frequency into startup script.
I was thinking about that but I have no idea how to make the init process do that first thing, plus that wouldn't affect the kernel. I'm wondering if there's a way to do it through the bootloader (uboot) with a boot script?
Hi David
default linux cpufreq governor can be changed using
sect. Menu Configuration Options attached Linux Manual.
Best regards
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That's what I mentioned in my post. I wanted to avoid rebuilding the kernel. Is there no other way to do it?