I really think that it is difficult to configure LPDDR on i.MX257,because I have done this for a couple od days and didn't succeed yet.
I can't find some examples or instructions.I modified the memoryInit code according to the mddrMx25 in the /ATK source code/gui_application/platform/MemoryInit.h,but it doesn't work.So,I wish that someone could give me some clues or tips.
Thanks very much.
Best regards,
Dear igor
what is the attached files?I just can write 1 bytes to 0x80000000.
Best regards.
it is example of mDDR init file and
explanation how to find parameters for new mDDR.
Hi igor,
There is something that I don't understand in the init file.How or what to decide the address and value of the operation "dummy write only address matter"?
For example, LOAD MODE REGISTER command,we can set the ESDCTL0 as" 0xB8001000 0xb2100000 32",then is the two dummy write cycle .But why is the address 0x80000003 and the value 0xda?
Best regards,
In script command
memory write32 0x80000033 0xda
the value 0x33 in low address bits is used to setup the DRAM mode register,
the value 0xda does not matter.
Dear igor
Where is the attached file?
Best regards
Thank you very much!
Best regards