Hi all,
I built Android 9.0 on imx8mq, my custom board uses 2G DDR , I had change the following file to 2G configuration under vendor/nxp-opensource/uboot-imx directory.
But I think I should change ddr to 2G for GPU memory, can anyone tell me how to change it?
Best regards
Hello CordialMai,
If you have change the memory settings you need to modify the go_defaults.mk, go_defaults_common.mk, and go_defaults_512.mk in device/fsl/imx8m/imx8mq.mk
Hi Bio,
Thank you very much for your reply!
In my project source code,under directory of device\fsl\imx8m there is no imx8mq.mk.
There are evk_8mm,evk_8mn,evk_8mq directories and AndroidProducts.mk,BoardConfigCommon.mk,ProductConfigCommon.mk files, and so on.
Do you mean I should add the following Statement to device/fsl/imx8m/evk_8mq/evk_8mq.mk
+$(call inherit-product, build/target/product/go_defaults.mk)
But it is a go version configuration for 1G DDR low memory device.
Do 2G DDR memory device need go_defaults.mk configuration?
Looking forward to your reply!Thank you!