I got problems generating bin image files for my application with a custom bootloader.
I changed the base address of my application to 0x70080000.
From the map file:
.isr_vector 0x70080000 0x2b8
0x70080308 ResetISR
I updated the .bd file:
options {
flags = 0x00;
startAddress = 0x70080000;
ivtOffset = 0x1000;
initialLoadSize = 0x2000;
sources {
elfFile = extern(0);
section (0)
When I run elftosb there is no output bin file.
If I run change startAddress = 0x7000000 back. I got a huge bin file that start at 0x7000000 and jumps to 0x70080000.
So how do I generate a bin file that starts at: 0x70080000?
Hello @e_v_spronsen,
Only to confirm, could you let me know the device that you're using and if the custom bootloader used is based in any of the SDK examples/app notes and which one?
Best Regards,
Alexis Andalon
The flash based bootloader I made myself. The lack of documentation is worrisome. I tool a lot of effort to find the info needed.
The problem is: I can't make a signed image with start location 0x70080000 with elftosb.exe. The image always starts at 0x70000000.
Is the source code available for elftosb?
Any suggestions?