We are using the eIQ toolkit to compile some simple machine learning models. For space and inference time reasons we create a simple TFlite model without any quantization, and quantize using the glow model-profiler and compiler to integer operation
However, notable is that the Glow compiler docs claim to quantize everything as int8s, while the generated bundle accepts an unsigned uint8_t input. Does this mean that the model must be quantized to uint8s to use the range of the incoming data properly?
Is there a specific recommended quantization schema in the model profiler (int8 symmetric, uint8 symmetric, etc.)?
Is there a specific recommended way of matching input datatypes (floats) to the model's expected inputs (integers)
Yes, the model need to be quantizied and it used uint8 symmetric.
Attached is the generated .dot file for the beginning of our model
You can see that the placeholder input accepts floats and immediately quantizes it with parameters [S:0.065829024 O:2] to feed into the rest of the model. Do I need to quantize the inputs into the placeholder, or will that node take care of it for me?
In that case, how do I input floating point numbers to the inference function? Just memcpy them in and let it take care of the conversion?
In this way
memcpy(bundleInpAddr, test_input, sizeof(test_input));
where test_input is a snippet of data, I do not seemingly update the inference function (it always returns the same probabilities) regardless of the input data.
Please advise