I have a custom board with imx233, the design has been tested before; but in this, when I prepare to blow fuses with bitburner simply does not recognize it and in the box where it should appear HID ... nothing comes, and I need configure for Boot from SD.
I tried all options in the boot pins and nothing, connectivity also was tested and everything seems in order.
The Bitburner Version and windows version is the same used in other cards equals.
other try to boot from usb with mxsldr but neither recognizes the imx233.
I appreciate any suggestion
First the otp_burner.py script should be used to generate OtpInit.sb file that
burns OTP bits. Next, the BitInit.exe should be applied to load OtpInit.sb (from
the same directory as the BitInit.exe starts) .
< https://www.freescale.com/webapp/Download?colCode=IMX_OPT_TOOLS&appType=license&location=null >
As for USB HID detection, please check board USB OTG design :
- if all power voltages meet (i.Mx23) specifications ;
- if USB-5V is present ;
- if the (USB) recovery mode is selected correctly.
Hi Yuri thanks for reply
I found that the voltages are not correct, I checked the decoupling capacitors, but I'm still looking for the cause
"I found that the voltages are not correct" - so it makes sense to analyze power supply system.