I am trying to add the package CUPS into LTIB.
However, I get this error when running scbuild.
I looked into the source file but nothing can be altered to redirect the /lib/ld-linux.so.3 which is in my target filesystem.
Compressing cupsd.man... 56.0%
Converting man pages to HTML...
/lib/ld-linux.so.3: No such file or directory
/lib/ld-linux.so.3: No such file or directory
Has anyone solved this problem - I REALLY would like to print captured / encoded images wireless to ad-hoc printer!
what is the BSP are you using?
I am using the Freescale ER6-1209 release (that looks like came out last week).
I tried incorporating 1.3.11 (1.4.8 had MANY more issues than 1.3.11 did).
But, even then, there were multiple issues in the cross-compile (e.g.:do not create
the HTML output (because the compiled mantohtml doesn't run on host system)).
And, the final problem that I couldn't seem to get around was install script that
was having dependency issues for lib files (couldn't find them - due to NOT pointing
to the appropriate rootfs).
I gave up after that...for the moment.
got any suggestions?
which board are you using?
Boundary Devices Sabre Lite!
pejmankalkhoran, can you help?