Hi , Team:
I 'd finished a script for Rootfs Resize, and I want to excute this script automatically when the system startup。
How can I solve this problem?
Thank you in advance!
Hi hong li,
Check if you have crontab in your system by default it should. Follow below links to start a script at boot:
cron - Running command at startup on crontab - Ask Ubuntu
Karan Gajjar
Thank you,karan gajjar .I have sloven my problem.Have a nice day.
Hi hong li,
If you have inittab file in /etc/ then you can add the command to execute your script on startup as the example of running xdm in below link:
What the Linux /etc/inittab file tells your system to do | Network World
Karan Gajjar
Hi,karan gajjar:
Think you for your reply, but I'd not found out inittab file in /etc/.
Hi hong li,
Can you please let us know which image are you building in yocto? core-image-minimal, core-image-base, fsl-image-machine-test, etc?
Karan Gajjar
Could you tell us which board and BSP are you using?
Hi,Rita Wang:
imx6qpsabresd of Yocto.