Now I want to use the xd4 eink screen,but I found when I used the wbf file for XD4,it can't
display normal,do you have any patch for the XD4 wbf file?
Original Attachment has been moved to: 320_G089_AACB02_ED060XD4T1_TC.wbf.zip
Hello Lam,
This waveform file contains is of V2 format and default BSP cannot support this type of waveform file. Please contact your local FAE for help.
I had received the patch and I had applied this patch.
Now the XD4 waveform file can be recognized,but,when I use the 4bit waveform file(other project) for test,it can't run normal,
can we have one method for automatic recognize the waveform file?
Thanks very much in advance. ! !
You need to use the Gen2 waveform parser to convert the old waveform file again for backward compatibility.
The old waveform file also was converted by Gen2:
xrz@xrztech171:/mnt/vdisk/zhuwenzhi/freescale/wavetools/pb650$ ../Gen2WbfParser -o 320_G087_AB0203_ED060XG3T1_TC.fw 320_G087_AB0203_ED060XG3T1_TC.wbf
Freescale, Inc. - Gen II waveform file parser - build 20121226
This waveform file contains VC format V2 and algorithm control data!
-- Finished parsing the waveform file --
xrz@xrztech171:/mnt/vdisk/zhuwenzhi/freescale/wavetools/pb650$ objcopy -I binary -O ihex -B i386 320_G087_AB0203_ED060XG3T1_TC.fw 320_G087_AB0203_ED060XG3T1_TC.fw.ihex
xrz@xrztech171:/mnt/vdisk/zhuwenzhi/freescale/wavetools/pb650$ mv 320_G087_AB0203_ED060XG3T1_TC.fw.ihex epdc_E60_pb650_ED060XF3T1.fw.ihex
Then it can be recogined:
[ 2.741532] -> requested panel string E60_pb650_ED060XF3T1
[ 2.747110] -> epdc modes[0] - E60_V220_C105_WN5E21
[ 2.751991] -> epdc modes[1] - E60_V220_C186_XC3
[ 2.764588] -> epdc modes[2] - g089_xd4
[ 2.768427] -> epdc modes[3] - g086_xd4
[ 2.772263] -> epdc modes[4] - E60_pb650_ED060XF3T1
[ 2.815028] regulator_init_complete: TMST: disabling
[ 2.821164] snvs_rtc snvs_rtc.0: setting system clock to 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (0)
[ 2.833470] Freeing init memory: 172K
[ 3.440289] android_usb: already disabled
[ 3.447598] adb_bind_config
[ 3.451169] adb_open
[ 3.561522] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED
[ 3.568319] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=DISCONNECTED
root@android:/ # [ 3.857359] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED
[ 4.141381] mxc_epdc_fb_init_hw waveformFileName=imx/epdc_E60_pb650_ED060XF3T1.fw
[ 4.141393] drivers/base/firmware_class.c request_firmware_nowait 675
[ 4.160516] imx_epdc_fb imx_epdc_fb: --- Extra Waveform Data length: 29 bytes---
[ 4.172998] imx_epdc_fb imx_epdc_fb: Extra Waveform Data: 320_G087_AB0203_ED060XG3T1_TC
[ 4.188626] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=DISCONNECTED
[ 4.329734] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED
[ 4.345072] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=DISCONNECTED
[ 4.534794] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED
[ 4.562759] android_usb gadget: high speed config #1: android
[ 4.574677] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONFIGURED
[ 6.348399] imx_epdc_fb imx_epdc_fb: --- Advance Algorithm Data error: -1 ---
[ 22.557340] warning: `zygote' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
Thanks very much for your help.
BTW,The Date error is right?
Yes, this message is correct because old waveform file does not have "Advance Algorithm Data". Do you experience any display issue when using this file?
I found the new waveform file(5bit) supports some update modes:
Do we support all modes?
Thanks very much in advance.
Please discuss this question with your local FAE. Thanks.
Dear Peter,
I found in "hardware/imx/mx6/libgralloc_wrapper/framebuffer.cpp",it only had below define:
define WAVEFORM_MODE_INIT 0x0 /* Screen goes to white (clears)*/
#define WAVEFORM_MODE_DU 0x1 /* Grey->white/grey->black*/
#define WAVEFORM_MODE_GC16 0x2 /* High fidelity (flashing)*/
#define WAVEFORM_MODE_GC4 0x3
#define WAVEFORM_MODE_ANIM 0x4 /* animation*/
so,we only support these modes?Do you have any patch for support other modes?
Thanks very much in advance.
Dear Peter,
I didn't find any issues now,if I find some problem about this patch,I will report error messages here.
Thanks very much in advance.
Now our BSP version is : android-13.5.0-ga.01;
And the update modes are :INIT,DU,GC16,GC4,ANIM.
Thanks very much in advance.
Hello Peter,
Local FAE,do you mean I need find shenzhen freescale office for help?
From Eink office messages,the ED060XD4 is the 5 bit waveform,and before waveform is 4bit,so
now we can't parse it,so we need new method to parse the new waveform format,do you have any patches for this?
Thanks very much in advance.