VS code can not debug mcu7 core on imx8mp board

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VS code can not debug mcu7 core on imx8mp board

Contributor IV

Hello all,

I have the imx8mp pevk boar and tried to start the debugger to flash/connect to the cortex m7 core.

No idee how to do it, installed vscode, can compile the demo software, but the debuggers do not connect to the board, the boar is connected to the PC, I can see uart logs from Linux.


mircea@chimen:~$ /usr/local/LinkServer_1.3.15/LinkServer probes
# Description Serial
--- ------------- --------
mircea@chimen:~$ /opt/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkGDBServerCLExe -listprobes USB
SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V7.92l Command Line Version

JLinkARM.dll V7.92l (DLL compiled Oct 25 2023 15:20:43)

mircea@chimen:~$ /usr/local/pemicrogdbserver/pegdbserver_console -showhardware

P&E GDB Server for Arm(R) devices, Version
Copyright 2018, P&E Microcomputer Systems Inc, All rights reserved

Loading library /usr/local/pemicrogdbserver/gdi/unit_ngs_arm_internal.so ... Done.

Command line arguments: -showhardware



Any ideea?

Br, Mircea

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7 返答(返信)

Contributor IV


Does no work:


The board is not appearing for Jlink.

I read the documentation, I have experience with J-link/Segger, and well, looks to me I need some linux drivers. but again. Can you please test on your side that it works?


I saw a patch referenced in the doc, is it for linux?

Br, Mircea

0 件の賞賛

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Ahelion

Thank you for your reply.

That patch is for IAR and Jlink Segger setup. In your case, with Arm GCC the recommendation is trying to reinstall the drivers for your Jlink probe.

Have a great day!

0 件の賞賛

Contributor IV
I tried it on am windows machine also, same issue, no connection. Do you have special nxp drivers?
0 件の賞賛

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Ahelion,

No, NXP doesn't has any specific driver for this issue.  

Could you please share your drivers and OS version?


0 件の賞賛

Contributor IV
Tested on another windows 11 laptop, still no debug possible:
OS: Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22621.2861]
Drivers for what? I installed the segger thing both via vscode mxuespresso installer, and I also downloaded the it from segger:
All I see is com ports 1,2,3,4.
0 件の賞賛

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Ahelion

Please take a look on the following references. Here me and my colleague described the process to successfully implement this tool on VS Code and using Segger software.

Segger Software:

How to Use Segger J-Link Plus with i.MX 8M Process... - NXP Community

VS Code:

How to Use Segger J-Link Plus with i.MX 8M Process... - NXP Community

Please check both articles and follow the process carefully.

Have a great day!

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Ahelion

Thank you for contacting NXP Support.

To get familiarized with the tool I suggest using the official documentation found in the SDK folder.
For example:

SDK_2_14_1_EVK-MIMX8MP/docs/Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK for EVK-MIMX8MP.pdf

In this document, please check the section 5 Run a demo using Arm GCC > 5.1 Linux OS Host.
You can find this guide especially useful to understand the process to build and execute the hello world demo on your i.MX8MPlus EVK.

On other hand, we recently tested VS Code for a Windows host. In this test we found that we need to start the server with Jlink before running the code. This could be the reason that you can't execute your code.
Therefore, the suggestion is try using the documentation without VS Code, then use VS Code initializing the Jlink server and finally execute your code.

I hope this information will be helpful.

Have a great day!

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