I am using IMX53 QSB. When I insert the USB drive to the Target board it will mount into /dev/sdx, and I need to manually mount, using #mount /dev/sdb /mnt/usb.
Is it possible to detect the usb drive automatically whenever I connect the drive and unmount whenever it is removed.
Please suggest how to do it.
I tried adding following command to /etc/fstab, but now working
/dev/sdb /mnt/usb ext3 defaults 0 0
Please suggest.
I am hesitant to re-build LTIB at this time.. But since my target board boots as root user, could I just use 'mount' and 'umount' instead of 'pmount' and 'pumount'?
Hi Jason,
Have you checked your packages in the ./ltib -c.
You can install any supporting package WRT mount.
Regards :: Krishna Pavan
I am trying to auto mount USB stick upon insertion.
I tried following the steps given in the link, but I do not have pmount or pumount anywhere in my rootfs.
Any ideas?
Hi, You should include those rules initially at configuration stage, only then it works!
Regards Krishna Pavan
It is Linux
Hi Swamy,
What os are you using? Linux or Android?
Thanks for the link..
I tried but it is not working...As I insert the USB, it fails to recognize the device.
Any suggestion?