I want to use MCIMX7D's UART1 in DTE mode, but it doesn't work.
IOMUXC_SW_MUX_CTL_PAD_UART1_RX_DATA WR32(0x30330128, 0x01);
UART1_UFCR WR32(0x30860090, 0x0240); Set DTE mode
UART1_UBIR WR32(0x303600A4, 0x000F);
UART1_UBMR WR32(0x308600A8, 0x00FA);
UART1_CLK_ROOT WR32(0x308600B4, 0X0000);
UART1_UCR2 WR32(0x30860084, 0x4027);
UART1_UCR1 WR32(0x30860080, 0x0001);
The TXD pin (L3) remains LOW. Please let me know if there any mistakes or additions to the setting.
Best regards.
Are you using RTOS?
Hello Zhiming_Liu.
I'm not using RTOS.
The port functionaly is checked using the function for configuring the bebugger's initial seting.
Debugger is J-Link + J-Flash of SEGGER.
Setting up IOMUXC worked fine.
I have comfirmed that the DCEDTE function of UART1_UFCR also works.
However, even if I set UARTEN and TXEN to 1 and set a value to TXDT, it is not sent.
Hello Zhiming_Liu.
UART1_UCR1 and UCR2 do not change to the reset value even if the setting value is written and then read.
Best regards.
This is reference setting for using DTE , please refer the kernel driver and dts.