I am using Linux imx-4.9.11 release and Yocto Morty build for iMX6QP.
How to add the support for "3D Surround view application" package in yocto for iMX6QP
I tried to build the surround view application in the iMX6QP device, but I got the segmentation fault while executing surround-view-3D_1.1_beta binaries.
Hoping for a better guidance.
I can run the demo correctly with INPUT=image.
But when I using the dumping image from my car, it can find the Contours correctly, but with a wrong grid output...
I am sure my template is right.
Could you please give some advice?
and I find if increase start_angle, it will segment fault...
Are you follow the build command in SVARM.pdf to build the BSP? The verified images in the document mentioned is L4.1.15. Please try to use L4.1.15 BSP.
I tried both L4.1.15 BSP and L4.9.11 BSP package. Both got the same segmentation fault.
could you tell me the steps? so I can try to reproduce the problem on my side.
Followed section "3. Building applications from sources" from SVARM.pdf to build the image.
After application built without any error, executing SV3D capturing binariesfrom the following path /Tools/CamCapture/capturing and I got the segmented failed error while running the SV3D capturing bianries.