I'm developing an IPU driver for a custom application. I am half way into the configurations. I am using the SDK as a reference.
In the SDK under the function "ipu_capture_setup" there is a place where we toggle the IPUx_CH_BUFx_RDYx register bits.
ipu_channel_buf_ready(ipu_index, csi_in_channel, 0);
ipu_channel_buf_ready(ipu_index, csi_in_channel, 1);
I would like to know why we are doing this? Also, in this case if we are using double buffering do we need to do the same for IPUx_CH_BUF0_RDY0 and IPUx_CH_BUF1_RDY0 registers? (channel I am using is 0)
Thank you.
Basically : "the IPU refreshes the screen every VSYNC event. IPU reads a buffer from the DDR.
And switch to a new buffer upon a trigger (buffer ready). IPU will switch to the next buffer only
when they completes updating the screen with the current buffer."
Have a great day,
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So if I am not using the IPU display feature, I do not need to set or clear IPUx_CH_BUFx_RDYx registers. Am I correct?
When using IPU for capture, frame-by-frame approach is used too, this means - strictly speaking -
it is needed to check buffer ready registers, if ARM core is involved in double buffering (software polling).
In IPU capture context, does buffer ready means "buffer is ready to capture data" or "buffer has finished capturing data" ?
ARM core finished operation, so buffer is ready to capture.