Screen corruption with i.mx6 vivante driver after longer run time

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Screen corruption with i.mx6 vivante driver after longer run time

Contributor I

On a Utilite pro with kernel 3.0.35 and Ubuntu 12.04.3 the following problem appears when using

the system for longer runtime and using more the 60% of the 2 GB RAM.

Utilite & Trim-Slice Users Forum - View topic - Video Artifacts Using Ubuntu

Video_Artifact 1.JPG.jpg

When continuing to use the system when these artifacts appear, most

of the time an axi bus error with screen freeze happens.

The current workaround is to use a modified xorg.conf file

with the accelerated fbdev driver (loosing openGL acceleration), but not the vivante driver.

Has this problem been seen on other i.mx6 based systems/boards with 2 GB RAM ?

Best Regards,
Peter Bauer

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Contributor III

This seems like the same problem I have asked before, it's the 3.0.35 GPU driver issue. But since

3.0.35 gpu-viv driver for X11 only has one release, you must upgrade your kernel to 3.10.17.

Update to 3.10.17 kernel with GPU driver will work fine.

The issue I asked before is on Android platform, but I think it is the same problem.

Re: i.MX6 Android 4.2 text render issue

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