Hello all,
I cannot restart RT1011 by software, but the restart function works fine in RT1021/RT1052/RT1062/RT1176.
J-Link Error when I run to "NVIC_SystemReset();".
What's wrong with my restart function?
Hello, my name is Pavel, and I will be supporting your case, I found this thread that maybe could help you.
NVIC_SystemReset() is not working with MiMxRT1020 - NXP Community
Best regards,
Hi Pavel, changed the FlexRam was the cause of the problem.
I changed the FlexRam to 96K Itcm and 32K Dtcm size in "Startup.s" file, the code crash when software reset. My code was copy from flash and run in Itcm, it was more than 64k size. If change FlexRam to default value, the code crash, too. I see the problem but no idea to fix it now.
Thank you for reading, have any questions, please contact at first.
Try to use the FLEXRAM_SetAllocateRamSrc() funciton before the system reset, and reset it using the settings in efuse.
Refer to the following
Hello, sorry for the late response, you need to modify another register to use the Flex RAM please check the link below maybe can help you.
Reallocating the FlexRAM - NXP Community
Best regards,