I want to ask that A core communicate with M4 core use RPMsg SW side,and for HW side is it used MU in M4 or MU
in A core LSIO or both used in M4 and A core?
In which i.MX chip are you working?
Best regards,
Unfortunately, the i.MX8QX is still on preproduction and we do not have any official information available for the moment. I apologize for the inconveniences this could give you.
Best regards,
For the i.MX7. The RPMsg is the Linux API that is in charge of communicating the core A7 and M4. The RPMsg is a virtio-based messaging bus, which allows kernel drivers to communicate with remote processors available on the system.
The MU is the unit module from the i.MX that enables two processors within the SoC to communicate and
coordinate by passing messages (e.g. data, status and control) through the MU interface.
Hope this information could help you.
Best regards,
On the i.MX7D, the A7 is the core principal of the i.MX. Every other peripheral, including the cortex M4, are submodules. However, the MU is the module that is in charge of coordinate by messages both cortex.
Hope this can help you.
Best regards,