Hi,I am working on imx6,and i want to get Qt work on it.
My needs are Qt+directfb+multitouch.
1.Qt4(qws)+DirectFB(vivante gpu gfx)
2.Qt5+DirecFB(vivante gpu gfx)+EvdevTouch
Which way should i use?
Qt4 do not support the multitouch,and is there anyone had work with this?
Thank you
I had built Qt4.8.2(qws) on imx6 with directfb display, and it is worked.
But I have two problems:
1. The DirectFB display plugin is some time crushed.
2. I need to support multitouch with QT, but Q Windowing System seems like not support Qtouch event(Qmouse only),
Do you have any ideas with this?
Thank you!
Yes, I used a Q Windowing System.
However, I have obtained specific "mkspecs" for i.MX5X micro.
Thank you very much.
I have done the multi-touch works on Qt4.8.2(qws) system.
The next problem is the directfb plugin.
Have you done this before?
Did you do qt4 (qws)+directfb on imx6?