I have made a small video of the "hello_es" Qt example running on a Efika MX.
However there are some problems. The GLES drivers for I.MX515 are only made for displaying fullscreen applications. They expects a filedescriptor pointing to the framebuffer. It would be more useful if it could take a piece of screenmemory as its "native window" when creating the surface.
It is very hard to make windowed 3d applications with Qt with the current drivers. I have some ideas of workarounds , but better support from the driver would be better.
Very Cool Michael! Are you going to make the code available? I think the site is visable now but still working on the World Wide introduction before FTF....
Very Cool Michael! Are you going to make the code available? I think the site is visable now but still working on the World Wide introduction before FTF.... Thanks, Neil