Hi All ! Tell me please, what program on the PC (Windows 7 OS) needs to be used for i.MX6 Solo processor programming using the Serial Downloader mode (USB OTG)?
I can't find such information in documentation on the processor.
Hi Paul,
Under Windows, the canonical tool is the Freescale Manufacturing tool, but if you just want to upload a binary, the "sb_loader.exe" tool is very useful.
We have a short description on-line here:
The other page describing imx_usb that Yuri didn't mention is our Linux "unbricking" page:
Thanks to all! Now processor programming through usb became more clear to me.
You can try the USB loader :
"AdeneoEmbedded - Whitepaper on USB loader for i.MX6 platforms"
"i.MX USB Loader"
The following thread contains a stand-alone led example for i.MX6. Hope it helps.
“Min startup code for imx6?”
Юрий, спасибо за ответ.
Правильно ли я понял, что какого-то "официального" софта для прошивки процессора через USB от Freescale нет, а есть нечто под Linux, что необходимо самому транслировать и компоновать?
Yury, thanks for the response.
Whether correctly I understood, what any "official" software for a processor firmware through USB from Freescale isn't present, and there is something under Linux what it is necessary most to compile?