We see that there in CPU i.MX6 - Linux High Assurance Boot (HAB).
This Mechanism it support security U-Boot & Kernel image , & OTP mechanism (fuse).
It's clear.
My question:
How can I use this or a similar mechanism to protect data.
For example File System , zip-files , tar-files.
Thank for you help.
My new 2 question:
where is API for this kernel module.
I do not see API ( Interface) for enter from User Space to Kernel Space.
In according with you answer "You can use boot ROM (HAB API) function authenticate_image"
Where are these function , what is a name these function ?
Best regards.
code / data signing approach (used in HAB technology) in general may be applied to protect any
block of data. You can use boot ROM (HAB API) function authenticate_image. But we do not have
solutions to use the i.MX HAB technology under Linux. For relatively big file systems - perhaps - it would
be better to rely on crypto file systems. Also, it is possible to apply blobs :
Have a great day,
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