I have an MCIMX7SABRE board. I inserted the sd card that came with it and powered it on. A monitor is plugged into the HDMI port and I can see the monitor signal light is lit, but the screen is black.The green power led is lit. The yellow led next to the ethernet port is lit, but I get nothing on the screen. I tried a different monitor, but still nothing. I tried plugging in a windows laptop with putty to the debug port. The two ports show up in device manager as COM3/COM4, but when I set putty to COM3 with 115200-8n1 and click open I get nothing. I checked the SD card to see if it really contains an OS and it does.
Is the board bad, or is there something I've overlooked?
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Just to close the loop, using a different sd card image resolved my problem. Now both the serial port and the hdmi screen work. This issue is resolved. Thanks for your help.
Could you tell me which version BSP are you using?
Have a great day,
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You need to set the "video=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M@60,if=RGB24" for an HDMI display when the u-boot boot up in the command line.
Have a great day,
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I don't get any u-boot command line to type on. The debug serial port shows up in device manager, but putty won't connect to it, so I can't get to anything that lets me enter the video options.
I tried a third newer monitor that definitely supports 1920x1080, but no luck. It's hdmi to dvi, but no vga converters involved. I tested the hdmi-dvi cable with a laptop that has Linux on it just to make sure it's ok.
The image I'm trying to boot came with the board. It's labeled "MCIMX7SABRE Linux L4.1.15_1.2.0 GA 110-78016X"
Thanks for your help. Someone with the same board is going to ftp a Linux image to me. I'm going to try their image too.