MAC 12.6.2 Error: No probes found (BLOCKER)

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MAC 12.6.2 Error: No probes found (BLOCKER)

Senior Contributor III

MCUXpresso IDE v11.7.0 [Build 9198] [2023-01-17]
(c) Copyright 2006-2023 NXP

OS: Mac OS X, v.12.6.2, x86_64 / cocoa
Java vendor: Eclipse Adoptium
Java runtime version: 11.0.17+8
Java version: 11.0.17

RT1010 EVB

It has worked many times before, but then just out the clear blue it can no longer find the DAPLink probe. 

It shows up is System Information just like it always does.

Note that the happened the same in 11.6 as well. I had hoped upgrading would help - no dice.

KUDOS for fixing the Dark Theme so it is not all in vain. Looks like maybe the perspectives will behave better.



redlink> ProbeList
Error: No probes found

redlink> ProbeStatus

redlink> ProbeStatus

redlink> quit




Things that don't work:

Stopping and restarting the IDE.

Moving the board to another hub

Different cable(s)


Switching to another board/


So now I am dead in the water.

Shame you refuse the get P&E to work - I spent big bucks on it.


P&E Semihosting Console

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1 Reply

Senior Contributor III

I think I found the problem -- I was using the hello world sample that just uses a serial port. I have an FTDO Serial ot USB cable. If you connect the TX pin to the first pin of the Arduino header (which is port 1 RX), it blocks CDAP probe from working. I have no idea why at this point but will look at the schematic. If you disconnect it and then reconnect after to board boots, the all good (but the RX data is never received)

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